I couldn't pass up a tye dying kit that I found in clearance at Joann's the other day.We did tye dye shirts as part of our family reunion last summer and the kids loved it -so they were super excited to do another shirt.Eric was like a little scientist- a little of this color- mix these 2 colors...The kids love their shirts. Lily informed me that next time she gets to do Evie's shirt- not me...
Little Lady has taken to scooting herself backwards and has been know to disappear under chairs and tables.7 months all ready! Evie has her 2 bottom teeth, only wakes up once at night to eat, loves rice cereal, and is such a happy little lady. I totally adore her chubby legs and cheeks and can't squeese them enough!
Eric likes to pick out his own outfits these days instead of just putting on what I have told him to...it's intresting how many pairs of shorts he "needs" to wear his snowboots with...