May 19, 2012


Skip found a trout farm that rented fishing poles so we took the kids for their first fishing trip. It was the perfect place to take the kids to go fishing because they were guaranteed to catch a fish. Skip caught one within the first 5 minutes of being there.
Both Eric and Lily caught 2 fish each.
Evie wasn't to sure about the fish. At first she would get really close but if they started to move she would scream and run away.
We ended up bringing 3 of the fish home because the hook got caught in the fish to far down to take out. Eric thought we got to bring them home and put them in a fish tank- so he was a little mad when Skip killed them and said we were going to cook them and eat them.
It was a great time, and now the kids are bugging us to buy them their own fishing poles...although they might not like the fact that when you are really fishing, it's not always easy to catch a fish.

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