So like I said I recently had a booth at my very first craft fair. Here is a picture of my set up. I had skirts, baby bath aprons, burp cloths, diaper clutchs, receiving blankets, headbands, flower clips, quilts, rice heating pads, I spy bags, toddler belts, chocolate covered popcorn, and marge's yummy popcornballs for sale. It was only one day so that was a great way to "get my feet wet" in the craft fair world. For the most part I was pretty successfull and was able to make enough to cover my costs. Most importantly I was able to get my name out there. Big suprise was the fact that no-one wanted chocolate covered popcorn! Seriously what is wrong with these people!
Good luck with future craft fairs - sounds like this one was a success! How can people NOT like chocolate covered popcorn!!
Emma that is great! Good job way to take on the craft world! You ought to do some of the shows up here. Now... next time have a few samples of the popcorn balls for ppl to try and they will gobble them up.
BTW- I have a blog too. http://mylifethusfar-annette.blogspot.com/
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