Lily caused us to have my first ever trip to the ER as a parent. She was standing on a stool in the bathroom- fell off and broke her arm.She was a total rockstar about the whole thing. She started off with a splint- but her bones shifted so they had to do surgery. She had 2 pins put into her arm to hold the bones in place.
On Jan 22nd we blessed our little Evie. She of course is a total doll and we love her tons! She is growing fast! On her 2 month check up she already weighted 15 lbs and measured at 25". She is already wearing 6-9m clothes. Her chubby cheeks are adorable and so much fun to kiss.
And some of the most exciting news ever came on Valentines Day...Skip was hired as a Police Officer with Ogden City Police Department!!!!!

It's his dream job and we are very excited for him to get started in his career. Skip starts the police academy next week. Hopefully by the end of the year we will be in our own house too!
Things are going great. The kids, specially Evie are growing fast and we are doing great!
Aloha! Super happy that Skip got his dream job as a police officer! This is something Andrew would love to pursue in the future he's got a long road ahead of him! Your kids are growing way too fast! Lili is a trooper through her ordeal! Reminded me of Chelsea and the time she broke her right leg. The Dr. casted the wrong leg and Chelsea ended up with both legs in a cast for 6 weeks! Evie looks so darling and cute! Eric is handsome as can be! You doing well, too. You're one busy mom for sure! Have a wonderful day. Love and Hugs...Carolyn
Congrats on a)surviving b)blessing and c)job-bing! I talked to your mom yesterday, and it seems like she is just about in tears with the thought of you leaving. I think she's researching local jobs.... ;D
You did it - hang in there!
OH my goodness, Evie's cheeks are SO CHUBBY!! I love chubby babies! Adorbs.
Also, I am so glad Lily already has her cast off. SCARY FOR THE MOM! Sounds like you've had quite the roller coaster year, here's hoping things calm down a bit.
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