June 10, 2010

School is Out!

Yesterday was the last day of school! When I went to pick up Eric he came running towards me- as soon as he got close enough he yelled "Mom is it summer vacation now?!" To kick off the start of our fun summer I took the kids to a indoor play place called A Latte Fun. We were there for 3 1/2 hours. And just when we were getting ready to go- Mother Goose shows up to paint faces. So we stayed a little longer.I came home with a Superhero...and a bunny rabbit...(to bad the kids couldn't keep their hands off their faces till I could get home to the camera!)
Yea for sleeping in (that's 7:00 around here) and hanging out watching cartoons! Yea for not having to rush the kids out the door to get Eric to school on time! Yea for laying out at the pool! And yea for getting to hang out with my cute kids!